You Only Live Once
You Only Live Once.
It's a bold statement, I know. But it is true.
Go to that party, ask out that girl, go out with a friend you haven't seen in years, ask a stranger to be your friend. You never know what will happen. All of our best friends were at some point strangers to us. Just imagine you didn't dare to talk with that one boy/girl in school who's now your best friend. Imagine you didn't go to that party where you met many people that you can't imagine you would be without every day.
This is why nothing meaningful in life should be contemplated. Especially when it comes to socializing.
In life, you don't have many chances to do everything you want. And there are even times you don't want to go somewhere or do something and you end up missing out on something amazing.
Often in life, we end up focusing too much on materialistic things and less on experiences and ways of life. Just like Avicii1 says in "The Nights": "One day, you'll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember".
People often misinterpret this statement as an excuse to do dumb shit, but I'd say it's the opposite. Once you realize how precious your life is, you'll realize that you don't need dumb shit in life, but that you also need to live a life you will remember.
Life always has its way, but you can always have an effect on your own life. You shape your own path. You make your own choices. You love the people you love.
It often happens that when we say yes to things that seem boring or hard, it ends up being such an eventful and fulfilling experience that we never forget.
But what's most important in life is to live it your way. Never let someone carve your path in life, because it always ends up not working out. In life, you have to carve your own path and you have to figure out your own way.
We are all different, we come from different backgrounds, cultures, and religions, but what unites all of us is endless experiences, memories, and love that we often take for granted and sometimes never realize it's there in the first place.
If you feel disconnected in life, and if you feel like you haven't had many meaningful, fun, and vibrant experiences in life - it's never too late to say yes. Find someone with the same mindset as you, go out with friends, and meet new people. Go cliff jumping, hell, do whatever you want, but make it something you will remember for the rest of your life.
Spend all your time doing what you love. Spend all your time loving people. Spread kindness and love. Always have courage in life. Never underestimate yourself. And live a life worth telling your children and grandchildren about.
Some people say that in 200 years, we are all going to be gone, so that it's not that deep. And maybe it isn't. But being on your death bed, and reminiscing on how good your life was, on how many stories you've told, on how many people you've influenced will definitely make you happy for one last time.
Life is like a movie - and you're the director. Make it as fun and as creative as possible. Document everything. Do whatever your heart desires. And be happy. Be wild and be free. ❤️
Until next time! 🖋️
Day 43 of #100DaysToOffload
- 1989-2018. You'll always be remembered, king. ↩