Hey. I'm Jakov.
I'm a 15-year-old high school student that dabbles in sysadmin and software engineering.
I live in Zagreb, Croatia 🇭🇷.
My journey into the world of computers started when I got my first computer at the age of 10. From the first minute I got it, I've always messed around on it, trying to change every nook and crany of the system.
I remember spending (too) many hours on it watching YouTube, ricing, changing settings, gaming and God knows what else.
And that's how I got into the world of computers.
I also love ex-yu new-wave and rock music 🎸 and I have a personal cassette collection of around ~80 cassettes. I'm an avid concert-goer and I never miss a good opportunity in life.
In short, I'm following my passions, writing blog posts, listening to rock and trap, fixing stuff and learning new things every day.