Not Blogging Enough?

~1 min 19 Aug 2024

Ever since I started this blog, the point was to just write.

If you take a look at my first articles, they were probably 3 sentences long, but the most important part was that I wrote.

Today I feel as I've just stopped doing this. As if I'm just too lazy to type out my thoughts.

Last year I even started #100DaysToOffload in hope of writing more but stopped around day 20 or 30 because I just forgot to type or was too lazy to do so. Then went a month, two months, three months and the whole year passed without me passing day 30. To be honest, a lot of unfortunate personal stuff I'd rather not share happened in that time period, but still, it's not like I mostly stopped blogging because of that.

Another thing bringing me back to blogging now is the whole point of this website.
Back in 2021 when I registered this domain, this website was a simple portfolio without a blog, but later on, I discovered fantastic bloggers (and now Fedi friends) - Amin, Joel, R.L. Dane, just to name a few. Their blog posts inspired me to start my own blog and even start writing poetry (thanks Amin, your poetry is amazing haha).

Even though blogging really is not required (even though here I imply it as so), I feel like sharing stuff with people is my contribution to the IndieWeb/personal web movement and that later on my blog posts could even help someone.

Plus, blogging has a ton of benefits for me, it helps me practice English because its my second language, and its really fun to look back on old posts :)

I just shouldn't push myself to write, because then it feels a bit forced and I just lose motivation in the end.

To conclude, I feel as from now I will blog more and I may even start 100DaysToOffload again.

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