It's Been A Long Time

~1 min 09 Oct 2023

Well, the last post didn't age well... School and life in general has been interrupting my love for this website.

But I have finally found time to continue this blog and actively update this website. I also decided to try to continue #100DaysToOffload even though I don't think I will be able to finish, but we'll see.

As you may have noticed, the website has changed quite a bit since the last time. A couple of days ago (while I was still working on this website) I read this post by Kev Quirk and after thinking for a bit I realized I am changing blogging platforms/themes too often just because I don't like them anymore, don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong about changing blogging platforms but I feel like "if it works, don't change it".

I also don't want to overcomplicate my workflow (and use some big-ass CMS like WordPress) when it comes to this website, because in the end, I will just lose motivation. After all, it would be too hard to write new posts and maintain the website.

So better keep it minimal, so it's easy to create and write new content!

If I find an amazing solution in the future, I will switch to it, but for now my humble Hugo ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ Bear will do the job :D

Day 18 of #100DaysToOffload

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