Installing FreshRSS On My Raspberry Pi

~1 min 04 Feb 2022

Recently, I found out about FreshRSS from Kev.

I have been interested in trying it out for a long time but I just now got the time to do it.

The first thing I did was flash the Raspberry Pi OS Lite image to my SD Card, but before that I configured the WiFi and SSH things in the hidden RPI imager menu, then I inserted the SD card into the Pi and booted it up.

Then I, of course, SSHed into it, did a quick sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade.

I was off to the races! Next thing I did is opened up the FreshRSS documentation for admins and followed the instructions step by step.

I did run into a roadblock with installing the database, since the MySQL package did not exist anymore, so instead, I replaced sudo apt install mysql-server mysql-client php-mysql with sudo apt install mariadb-server php-mysql.

Everything from there on out was the same, except for the installation part, instead of doing git clone in the /usr/share directory, I downloaded the latest release. Why, you ask? Well I found out that there was a bug in the newest version of FreshRSS (They were probably making some changes)

I also set up a self-signed certificate for the FreshRSS instance, but I wont get into that in this post.

📝 Final Thoughts

In this post I quickly went over how I installed FreshRSS and what hoops I needed to jump thru to get it up and running

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