How The Pandemic Changed Our World

~2 mins 17 Feb 2025

Have you ever felt the world somehow changed after the COVID-19 pandemic?

On the 11th of March 2020, the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic. And with that, all of our lives changed. Everyone was forced to be isolated at their homes and advised not to leave them. People started working from home and those who were studying started online school.

The world was shut down for a good portion of the year. And even though everyone mostly returned to school/work with masks on in 2021, and even at the beginning of the end of the pandemic, everything still felt different.

From 2021 onwards, life just felt as if it was going too fast. Maybe this was just my point of view since I'm a teenager who grew up during the pandemic. But I've seen other older people mention that they also felt a difference from the times before. It's like 2019 was the last year of actual life, and we were transported into some weird off-course dimension.

But it's a fascinating phenomenon to me that the bigger part of the population's perception of the world can change in such a short amount of time. Even though a pandemic is something big and something that affects everyone, it just feels weird it leaves such an effect on the world.

And I'd say this is mostly because we all went through it together and in our ways.

We developed new ways of having fun while we were at home, maybe we got addicted to being on our phones or took up a new hobby of doing origami at home. However you look at it, COVID-19 fundamentally changed how we as a society function.

We were forced to introduce things that we had never before thought about. Most of us never experienced an epidemic, let alone a pandemic and we never realized how different it would be returning to our daily lives after living the better part of 2 years in isolation.

It was a lot for people to handle, and that's why I think it's still leaving effects on people and why everyone thinks time is passing faster than before.

Of course, all of this is just my blabbering and my way of explaining this, and I'm sure some scientists already researched the effects of the pandemic on people and their view of life in general. But I think everyone reading this can relate to feeling the same kind of way about time passing faster and things just felt different than before 2019.

But in the end, we're here to build new experiences, and to live our lives in the present - so that's what we should focus on :)

Until next time! 🖋️

Day 38 of #100DaysToOffload

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