How Our Environment Shapes Us

~2 mins 10 Mar 2025

Everyone has felt disconnected from everyone else at least once in their life, whether in social terms or in interest.

Society often expects people to behave like clones of each other, and we hope everyone follows the same trends and has the same opinions and viewpoints on different things.

What everyone tells you is that you need to be yourself, and while many people never give out to stereotypes and mostly shape their character, in these weird days it's hard to be yourself. People who don't fit in with the rest are often labeled weirdos and unpleasant, while they are often the sweetest people you can meet.

To be very frank, our society is fucked up in many ways. It's hard to meet people who love you for who you are and help you become yourself. Most people want you to be a stereotypical representation of yourself. They want you to act like someone you're not.

And while some people go on with the act just to make "friends", many of them never realize that real loyal friendships and relationships are made with the people who not only know your strengths, but also your weaknesses, and awkward moments.

It's hard to find someone like that, many people just care for their own good and disregard others for their own needs and wants. They become friends with people just to keep up a "status".

But it's not all pessimistic, there are many people I know who deeply care about me and everyone around them. People that love with all their hearts and that listen to your problems and successes. My feeling though, is that people like this are becoming rarer and rarer.

The world is becoming more focused on money, appearances, and physical things and less on love, feelings, and actual vibes that people give you. Meeting people is becoming more awkward and denial is more present than before.

But the best things happen out of your comfort zone, and if you don't try everything, and if you let the environment shape you, you'll never experience life how you're supposed to. Live life to the fullest, spend all your time with the ones that love you and that you love, because they are the ones that you shape and that shape you.

Life is short, complicated, and diverse. Not everyone is dealt the same cards, but you have to play with what you have. And use it to all your potential.

And never forget to spread love and kindness because it's the real emotion-filled human connections we make that shape us. ❤️

Until next time! 🖋️

Day 41 of #100DaysToOffload

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