Every Day Carry, Part I: The Usual

~1 min 20 Dec 2024

This is a new short blog series about my everyday carry. Concept shamelessly stolen inspired from R. L. Dane. Give his blog a read!

I have a normal bi-fold wallet, nothing special. I carry my debit card, public transport card, ID, and healthcare card with me at all times. You never know when you need it.

I've considered buying wallets like the Ridge Wallet or a RE:FORM one, but they seem too expensive for what they are (costly pieces of fabric/metal). So, if nothing changes in the meantime, I'm keeping my one for now.

I'm currently rocking a Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra with stock firmware and unrooted.

But since I don't have Wi-Fi where I'm currently living I often have to share internet via hotspot, and my battery is wearing out fast.

That's why I'm planning on trading in my Samsung and getting an iPhone 15, while concurrently figuring something out for the internet situation because it's getting pretty out of hand. If you have any ideas, please let me know!

I carry these all the time, they are the Galaxy Buds 2 Pro. They've also been dying on me the last few months, and sometimes they flat out stopped working, and the only thing that helped was cleaning them in alcohol and then blowing into them (I don't know how that one Reddit user managed to find that out as a solution)

Since I've mentioned in the last section that I'm planning to switch to an iPhone soon, I will likely get myself AirPods Pro 2 once I get a new phone. I've heard the battery life and noise canceling is very good.

I guess this one is self-explanatory. I carry them on just a normal key ring and I have a gramophone key chain on it.

Day 32 of #100DaysToOffload

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