Cleaning Up My Password Manager

~1 min 20 Aug 2024

Today I decided to self-host Bitwarden (Vaultwarden to be exact) again, since I cannot access my homeserver right now (for some reasons I'd rather not share).

The new Vaultwarden instance is hosted on my VPS and is publicly acessible (which was not a good idea, but I had no options).
I of course turned on 2FA and hardened everything to the maximum so i can shield myself from attacks.

This new Bitwarden instance has reminded me of how many account entries I actually have in my vault and I have started deleting them one by one so I can lower my internet presence a bit.

I also noticed that I'm not using many bitwarden features, such as the integrated TOTP, so I'll definitely be researching that now that I'm already cleaning it up. Also folders would be a great idea. But one by one :)

Next on the list is cleaning up my email which will be a little harder. I've had my gmail for close to 7 or 8 years now, and frankly I need to switch to a new account, but I can't get myself to click that delete button on the acocunt haha

But that's for another blog post!

Day 2 of #100DaysToOffload

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